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A New Epic Journey of Christian Faith


The Cornelius family continues to spread the news of the one true God and his son, Jesus. Which upset the Roman culture, so they were always pressured by the Roman authorities. However, the family successfully averted being arrested, until it became too dangerous for them. They needed to escape and go to another country. God stepped in and through the use of a believing family and a crafty sea captain, the Cornelius family made a daring escape from Italy.  The family discovered new opportunities in Greece.

Sword of the Lord Christian Historical Novel


Sword of the Lord is available in hardback or softcover at

Amazon and Barnes & Noble

In the captivating pages of Sword of the Lord, author William Furman invites readers on an extraordinary pilgrimage through the annals of Christian history. This riveting sequel to From Slave to Solder to Servant unfolds against the backdrop of the first century, where Cornelius' family faces unrelenting persecution from the Roman authorities. As the shadows of danger loom large, the family makes a daring escape to Greece, a land teeming with new challenges and unchartered spiritual territories.

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